import fs from 'fs/promises' import crypto from 'crypto' import path from 'path' import bencode from 'bencode' /* Taken from parse-torrent */ /** * Parse a torrent. Throws an exception if the torrent is missing required fields. * @param {Buffer|Object} torrent * @return {Object} parsed torrent */ export async function decodeTorrentFile (file) { let buffer = await fs.readFile(file) let torrent = bencode.decode(buffer) // sanity check ensure(, 'info') ensure(['name.utf-8'] ||, '') ensure(['piece length'], 'info[\'piece length\']') ensure(, 'info.pieces') if ( { => { ensure(typeof file.length === 'number', 'info.files[0].length') ensure(file['path.utf-8'] || file.path, 'info.files[0].path') }) } else { ensure(typeof === 'number', 'info.length') } const result = { info:, infoBuffer: bencode.encode(, name: (['name.utf-8'] ||, announce: [] } result.infoHash = crypto.createHash('sha1') .update(result.infoBuffer) .digest('hex') result.infoHashBuffer = Buffer.from(result.infoHash, 'hex') if ( !== undefined) result.private = !! if (torrent['creation date']) result.created = new Date(torrent['creation date'] * 1000) if (torrent['created by']) result.createdBy = torrent['created by'].toString() if (Buffer.isBuffer(torrent.comment)) result.comment = torrent.comment.toString() // announce and announce-list will be missing if metadata fetched via ut_metadata if (Array.isArray(torrent['announce-list']) && torrent['announce-list'].length > 0) { torrent['announce-list'].forEach(urls => { urls.forEach(url => { result.announce.push(url.toString()) }) }) } else if (torrent.announce) { result.announce.push(torrent.announce.toString()) } // handle url-list (BEP19 / web seeding) if (Buffer.isBuffer(torrent['url-list'])) { // some clients set url-list to empty string torrent['url-list'] = torrent['url-list'].length > 0 ? [torrent['url-list']] : [] } result.urlList = (torrent['url-list'] || []).map(url => url.toString()) // remove duplicates by converting to Set and back result.announce = Array.from(new Set(result.announce)) result.urlList = Array.from(new Set(result.urlList)) const files = || [] result.files =, i) => { const parts = [].concat(, file['path.utf-8'] || file.path || []).map(p => p.toString()) return { path: path.join.apply(null, [path.sep].concat(parts)).slice(1), name: parts[parts.length - 1], length: file.length, offset: files.slice(0, i).reduce(sumLength, 0) } }) result.length = files.reduce(sumLength, 0) const lastFile = result.files[result.files.length - 1] result.pieceLength =['piece length'] result.lastPieceLength = ((lastFile.offset + lastFile.length) % result.pieceLength) || result.pieceLength result.pieces = splitPieces( return result } function splitPieces (buf) { const pieces = [] for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 20) { pieces.push(buf.slice(i, i + 20).toString('hex')) } return pieces } function ensure (bool, fieldName) { if (!bool) throw new Error(`Torrent is missing required field: ${fieldName}`) } function sumLength (sum, file) { return sum + file.length }