import _ from 'lodash' import nconf from 'nconf-lite' import { readFileSync } from 'fs' // Helper method for global usage. nconf.inTest = () => nconf.get('NODE_ENV') === 'test' // Config follow the following priority check order: // 1. Enviroment variables // 2. package.json // 3. config/config.json // 4. config/config.default.json // Load enviroment variables as first priority nconf.env({ separator: '__', whitelist: [ 'DATABASE_URL', 'NODE_ENV', 'server__port', 'server__host', 'knex__connection__host', 'knex__connection__user', 'knex__connection__database', 'knex__connection__password', 'knex__connectionslave__host', 'knex__connectionslave__user', 'knex__connectionslave__database', 'knex__connectionslave__password', 'upload__baseurl', 'upload__port', 'upload__host', 'upload__name', 'upload__secret', 'bunyan__name', 'frontend__url', 'jwt__secret', 'sessionsecret', 'bcrypt', 'name', 'NODE_VERSION', ], parseValues: true, }) // Load empty overrides that can be overwritten later nconf.overrides({}) nconf.defaults({ "NODE_ENV": "development", "frontend": { "url": "" }, "jwtsecret": "w2bkdWAButfdfEkCs8dpE3L2n6QzCfhna0T4", "mssql": { "conn_timeout": 5, "floor": 1, "ceiling": 2, "heartbeatSecs": 20, "inactivityTimeoutSecs": 60, "connectionString": "Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}; Server=localhost;UID=dev; PWD=dev; Database=nfp_moe", }, "media": { "secret": "upload-secret-key-here", "iss": "dev", "path": "", "preview": { "out": "base64", "format": "avif", "blur": 10, "resize": { "width": 300, "height": 300, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "avif": { "quality": 50, "effort": 4 } }, "small": { "jpeg": { "format": "jpeg", "resize": { "width": 720, "height": 720, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "jpeg": { "quality": 93 } }, "avif": { "format": "avif", "resize": { "width": 720, "height": 720, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "avif": { "quality": 60, "effort": 3 } } }, "medium": { "jpeg": { "format": "jpeg", "resize": { "width": 1300, "height": 1300, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "jpeg": { "quality": 93 } }, "avif": { "format": "avif", "resize": { "width": 1300, "height": 1300, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "avif": { "quality": 75, "effort": 3 } } }, "large": { "jpeg": { "format": "jpeg", "resize": { "width": 3000, "height": 3000, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "jpeg": { "quality": 95 } }, "avif": { "format": "avif", "resize": { "width": 3000, "height": 3000, "fit": "inside", "withoutEnlargement": true, "kernel": "lanczos3" }, "avif": { "quality": 85, "effort": 3 } } }, }, "fileSize": 524288000, "upload": { "baseurl": "", "port": "2111", "host": "", "name": "nfpmoe-dev", "secret": "nfpmoe-dev" } }) export default nconf