import _ from 'lodash' import knexCore from 'knex-core' import config from './config.mjs' import defaults from './defaults.mjs' import log from './log.mjs' const knex = knexCore(config.get('knex')) const functionMap = new Map() let joinPostFix = 1 // Helper method to create models export function createPrototype(opts) { return defaults(opts, { knex: knex, init() { if (!this.tableName) throw new Error('createModel was called with missing tableName') if (!this.Model) throw new Error('createModel was called with missing Model') if (!this.includes) this.includes = {} if (!this.publicFields) throw new Error(this.tableName + ' was missing publicFields') if (!this.privateFields) throw new Error(this.tableName + ' was missing privateFields') this.__includeFields = => x) this.publicFields = => `${this.tableName}.${x} as ${this.tableName}.${x}`) if (this.publicFields !== this.privateFields) { this.privateFields = => `${this.tableName}.${x} as ${this.tableName}.${x}`) } }, addInclude(name, include) { this.includes[name] = include }, _includeBase(type, subq) { let self = this let postfix = '_' + joinPostFix++ let table = this.tableName + postfix return { type: type, postfix: postfix, table: table, fields: => `${table}.${x} as ${table}.${x}`), model: self, qb: function(qb) { return subq(self, table, qb) } } }, includeHasOne(source_id, target_id) { return this._includeBase(1, function(self, table, qb) { return qb.leftOuterJoin(`${self.tableName} as ${table}`, function() { this.on(source_id, '=', table + '.' + target_id) .andOn(table + '.is_deleted', '=', knex.raw('false')) }) }) }, includeHasMany(source_id, target_id, subq = null) { return this._includeBase(2, function(self, table, qb) { return qb.leftOuterJoin(`${self.tableName} as ${table}`, function() { this.on(table + '.' + source_id, '=', target_id) .andOn(table + '.is_deleted', '=', knex.raw('false')) if (subq) { subq(this, self) } }) }) }, async getAllQuery(query, queryContext = null) { let context = (queryContext || query).queryContext() if (!context.tables) throw new Error('getAll was called before query') let tables = context.tables let tableMap = new Map(tables) let data = await query if (data.length === 0) { return data } let keys = Object.keys(data[0]) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let parts = keys[i].split('.') if (parts.length === 1) { if (parts[0] !== '__group') { tables[0][1].builder += `'${parts[0]}': data.${keys[i]},` } } else { let builder = tableMap.get(parts[0]) if (builder) { builder.builder += `'${parts[1]}': data['${keys[i]}'],` } } } tableMap.forEach(table => { table.builder += '}' table.fn = functionMap.get(table.builder) if (!table.fn) { table.fn = new Function('data', table.builder) functionMap.set(table.builder, table.fn) } }) let out = [] let includesTwoSet = new Set() for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let baseItem = null for (var t = 0; t < tables.length; t++) { let table = tables[t][1] let propertyName = table.include let formattedData = table.fn(data[i]) if (!formattedData) { if (propertyName && baseItem[propertyName] === undefined) { console.log('emptying') baseItem[propertyName] = (table.includeType.type === 1 ? null : []) } continue } let row = new table.Model(table.fn(data[i])) let rowId = if (table.isRoot && data[i].__group) { rowId = data[i].__group + '_' + } let foundItem = // If we didn't find this item, current table moble or joined table model // is new, therefore we need to create it if (!foundItem) { // Create a reference to it if we're dealing with the root object if (table.isRoot) { baseItem = row }, row) if (table.isRoot) { // Add item to root array since this is a root array out.push(baseItem) } else if (table.includeType.type === 1) { // This is a single instance join for the root mode, // set it directly to the root baseItem[propertyName] = row } else if (table.includeType.type === 2) { // This is an array instance for the root model. Time to dig in. /* if (!baseItem[propertyName]) { baseItem[propertyName] = [] } */ if (!includesTwoSet.has( + '_' + propertyName + '_' + { baseItem[propertyName].push(row) includesTwoSet.add( + '_' + propertyName + '_' + } } } else if (table.isRoot) { baseItem = foundItem } else if (propertyName) { if (table.includeType.type === 1 && !baseItem[propertyName]) { baseItem[propertyName] = foundItem } else if (table.includeType.type === 2 && !includesTwoSet.has( + '_' + propertyName + '_' + { /* if (!baseItem[propertyName]) { baseItem[propertyName] = [] } */ baseItem[propertyName].push(foundItem) includesTwoSet.add( + '_' + propertyName + '_' + } } } } return out }, async getSingleQuery(query, require = true) { let data = await this.getAllQuery(query) if (data.length) return data[0] if (require) throw new Error('EmptyResponse') return null }, query(qb, includes = [], customFields = null, parent = null, pagination = null, paginationOrderBy = null) { let query let fields if (customFields === true) { fields = this.publicFields } else { fields = customFields ? customFields : this.publicFields } if (pagination) { query = knex.with(this.tableName, subq => { + '.*') .from(this.tableName) .where(this.tableName + '.is_deleted', '=', 'false') qb(subq) subq.orderBy(pagination.orderProperty, pagination.sort) .limit(pagination.perPage) .offset(( - 1) * pagination.perPage) }).from(this.tableName) } else { query = knex(this.tableName).where(this.tableName + '.is_deleted', '=', 'false') qb(query) } let tables = parent && parent.queryContext().tables || [] let tableMap = new Map(tables) if (!tables.length) { tables.push([this.tableName, { builder: 'return {', fn: null, map: new Map(), Model: this.Model, isRoot: true, include: null, includeType: {}, }]) } for (let i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) { let includeType = this.includes[includes[i]] if (!includeType) { throw new Error(`Model ${this.tableName} was missing includes ${includes[i]}`) } includeType.qb(query).select(includeType.fields) if (tableMap.has(includeType.table)) { continue } if (includeType.type === 1) { tables[0][1].builder += `${includes[i]}: null,` } else { tables[0][1].builder += `${includes[i]}: [],` } let newTable = [ includeType.table, { builder: `if (! && !data['${includeType.table}.id']) {/*console.log('${includeType.table}',, data['${includeType.table}.id']);*/return null;} return {`, fn: null, map: new Map(), isRoot: false, Model: includeType.model.Model, include: includes[i], includeType: includeType, } ] tables.push(newTable) tableMap.set(newTable[0], newTable[1]) } if (pagination) { query.orderBy(pagination.orderProperty, pagination.sort) } query.queryContext({ tables: tables }) return query }, async _getAll(ctx, subq, includes = [], orderBy = 'id') { let orderProperty = orderBy let sort = 'ASC' if (orderProperty[0] === '-') { orderProperty = orderProperty.slice(1) sort = 'DESC' } ctx.state.pagination.sort = sort ctx.state.pagination.orderProperty = orderProperty let [data, total] = await Promise.all([ this.getAllQuery(this.query(qb => { let qbnow = qb if (subq) { qbnow = subq(qb) || qb } return qbnow }, includes, null, null, ctx.state.pagination)), (() => { let qb = this.knex(this.tableName) if (subq) { qb = subq(qb) || qb } qb.where(this.tableName + '.is_deleted', '=', false) return qb.count('* as count') })(), ]) = total[0].count return data }, getAll(ctx, subq, includes = [], orderBy = 'id') { return this._getAll(ctx, subq, includes, orderBy) }, _getSingle(subq, includes = [], require = true, ctx = null) { return this.getSingleQuery(this.query(qb => { return qb .where(qb => { if (subq) subq(qb) }) }, includes), require) }, getSingle(id, includes = [], require = true, ctx = null) { return this._getSingle(qb => qb.where(this.tableName + '.id', '=', Number(id) || 0 ), includes, require, ctx) }, async updateSingle(ctx, id, body) { // Fetch the item in question, making sure it exists let item = await this.getSingle(id, [], true, ctx) // Paranoia checking if (typeof( !== 'number') throw new Error('Item was missing id') body.updated_at = new Date() // Update our item in the database let out = await knex(this.tableName) .where({ id: }) // Map out the 'as' from the private fields so it returns a clean // response in the body .update(body, => x.split('as')[0])) // More paranoia checking if (out.length < 1) throw new Error('Updated item returned empty result') return out[0] }, /** * Create new entry in the database. * * @param {Object} data - The values the new item should have * @return {Object} The resulting object */ async create(body) { body.created_at = new Date() body.updated_at = new Date() let out = await knex(this.tableName) // Map out the 'as' from the private fields so it returns a clean // response in the body .insert(body, => x.split('as')[0])) // More paranoia checking if (out.length < 1) throw new Error('Updated item returned empty result') return out[0] }, /** * Apply basic filtering to query builder object. Basic filtering * applies stuff like custom filtering in the query and ordering and other stuff * * @param {Request} ctx - API Request object * @param {QueryBuilder} qb - knex query builder object to apply filtering on * @param {Object} [where={}] - Any additional filtering * @param {string} [orderBy=id] - property to order result by * @param {Object[]} [properties=[]] - Properties allowed to filter by from query */ _baseQueryAll(ctx, qb, where = {}, orderBy = 'id', properties = []) { let orderProperty = orderBy let sort = 'ASC' if (orderProperty[0] === '-') { orderProperty = orderProperty.slice(1) sort = 'DESC' } qb.where(where) _.forOwn(ctx.state.filter.where(properties), (value, key) => { if (key.startsWith('is_')) { qb.where(key, value === '0' ? false : true) } else { qb.where(key, 'LIKE', `%${value}%`) } }) _.forOwn(ctx.state.filter.whereNot(properties), (value, key) => { if (key.startsWith('is_')) { qb.whereNot(key, value === '0' ? false : true) } else { qb.where(key, 'NOT LIKE', `%${value}%`) } }) qb.orderBy(orderProperty, sort) }, /*async getSingle(id, require = true, ctx = null) { let where = { id: Number(id) || 0 } let data = await knex(this.tableName).where(where).first(this.publicFields) if (!data && require) throw new Error('EmptyResponse') return data },*/ }) } export function safeColumns(extra) { return ['id', /*'is_deleted',*/ 'created_at', 'updated_at'].concat(extra || []) } /*shelf.safeColumns = (extra) => ['id', 'is_deleted', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].concat(extra || [])*/