import crypto from 'crypto' import defaults from '../defaults.mjs' import * as base64UrlSafe from './base64urlsafe.mjs' const defaultOptions = { expiresSkew: 0, expiresMax: 0, nbfIatSkew: 300, fixup: null } /** * * @param {string} jwt * @param {Object} publicKeys * @param {Array} audiences * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.expiresSkew=0] * @param {Object} [options.expiresMax=0] * @param {Object} [options.nbfIatSkew=300] * @param {Function} [options.fixup] */ export default function decode(jwt, publicKeys, audiences, options = defaultOptions) { if (typeof jwt !== 'string') { throw new Error('jwt needs to a string') } if (typeof publicKeys !== 'object' || Array.isArray(publicKeys)) { throw new Error( 'publicKeys needs to be a map of { issuer: { keyid: "PEM encoded key" }' ) } if (!Array.isArray(audiences)) { throw new Error('audiences needs to be an array of allowed audiences') } if (typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(publicKeys)) { throw new Error('options needs to a map of { nbfIatSkew: 300, ... }') } let parts = jwt.split(/\./) if (parts.length !== 3) { throw new Error('JWT does not contain 3 dots') } let header = JSON.parse(base64UrlSafe.decode(parts[0]).toString('utf8')) let body = JSON.parse(base64UrlSafe.decode(parts[1]).toString('utf8')) if (typeof options.fixup === 'function') { options.fixup(header, body) } let hmacAlgo = null switch (header.alg) { case 'HS256': hmacAlgo = 'sha256' break case 'HS384': hmacAlgo = 'sha384' break case 'HS512': hmacAlgo = 'sha512' break default: throw new Error( 'Only alg HS256, HS384 and HS512 are supported' ) } if (!body.iss) { throw new Error('No issuer set') } let issuer = publicKeys[body.iss] if (!issuer) { throw new Error(`Unknown issuer '${body.iss}'`) } // Find public key let pubkeyOrSharedKey = typeof header.kid === 'string' ? issuer[`${header.kid}@${header.alg}`] : issuer[`default@${header.alg}`] let overrideOptions = {} if (!pubkeyOrSharedKey) { throw new Error( `Unknown pubkey id '${header.kid}' for this issuer` ) } else if ((typeof(pubkeyOrSharedKey) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(pubkeyOrSharedKey)) && typeof(pubkeyOrSharedKey) !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Pubkey of '${header.kid || 'default'}' for '${header.alg}' for this issuer is misconfigured` ) } if (typeof(pubkeyOrSharedKey) === 'object') { if (typeof(pubkeyOrSharedKey.key) !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Pubkey of '${header.kid || 'default'}' for '${header.alg}' for this issuer is misconfigured` ) } overrideOptions = pubkeyOrSharedKey pubkeyOrSharedKey = pubkeyOrSharedKey.key } let signatureOrHash = base64UrlSafe.decode(parts[2]) const hmac = crypto.createHmac(hmacAlgo, pubkeyOrSharedKey) hmac.update(`${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}`, 'utf8') let signatureBuffer = hmac.digest() if (signatureOrHash.length !== signatureBuffer.length || !crypto.timingSafeEqual(signatureOrHash, signatureBuffer)) { throw new Error(`Verification failed with alg '${header.alg}'`) } let unixNow = Math.floor( / 1000) let validators = defaults(options.validators, { aud: validateAudience, exp: validateExpires, iat: validateIssuedAt, nbf: validateNotBefore }) let validationOptions = defaults(overrideOptions, options) validators.aud(body, audiences, validationOptions) validators.iat(body, unixNow, validationOptions) validators.nbf(body, unixNow, validationOptions) validators.exp(body, unixNow, validationOptions) return body } function validateNotBefore(body, unixNow, options) { if (body.nbf && body.nbf > unixNow + options.nbfIatSkew) { throw new Error( `Not before in the future by more than ${options.nbfIatSkew} seconds` ) } } function validateIssuedAt(body, unixNow, options) { if (body.iat && body.iat > unixNow + options.nbfIatSkew) { throw new Error( `Issued at in the future by more than ${options.nbfIatSkew} seconds` ) } } function validateAudience(body, audiences, options) { let auds = Array.isArray(body.aud) ? body.aud : [body.aud] if (!auds.some(aud => audiences.includes(aud))) { throw new Error(`Unknown audience '${auds.join(',')}'`) } } function validateExpires(body, unixNow, options) { if (!body.exp) { throw new Error(`No expires set on token`) } let notBefore = body.iat || body.nbf || unixNow if (options.expiresMax && body.exp > notBefore + options.expiresMax) { throw new Error( `Expires in the future by more than ${options.expiresMax} seconds` ) } if (body.exp + (options.expiresSkew || 0) <= unixNow) { throw new Error('Token has expired') } }