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2 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
ee0326c9f4 | |||
566c59ec95 |
9 changed files with 40 additions and 3919 deletions
@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ const statuses = {
304: true
const __paramMapName = '__param'
const __fullParamMapName = '__fullparam'
function assertIsHandler(handler, name) {
if (typeof(handler) !== 'function') {
@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ const regCleanNonAschii = /(?![a-zA-Z_])./g
const regCleanRest = /_+/g
const regStarDoubleParam = /::[^:/]+/g
const regStarSingleParam = /:[^:/]+/g
const SlashCode = '/'.charCodeAt(0)
const spaces = ' '
export class FlaskaRouter {
@ -535,6 +532,7 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
let staticPaths = new Map()
let paramsPaths = []
let collator = new Intl.Collator('en', { sensitivity: 'accent' });
let sealed = Object.seal({})
paths.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.path[0] !== '/') throw new RouterError(entry, null, 'Specified route was missing forward slash at start')
@ -543,7 +541,7 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
if (entry.path.indexOf('/:') < 0 && separateStatic) {
return staticPaths.set(entry.path, {
path: entry,
params: {}
params: sealed,
@ -597,13 +595,15 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
: '')
__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentString, paths, branch, params) {
__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentString, paths, branch, params, pathParamMapIndex) {
let pathIndex = paths.indexOf(branch.path)
if (pathIndex < 0) {
throw new RouterError(branch.path, null, 'InternalError: Specified path was not found in paths')
let mapIndex = pathParamMapIndex.size + 1
pathParamMapIndex.set(mapIndex, pathIndex)
let output = '\n' + indentString + `return {`
output += '\n' + indentString + ` path: paths[${pathIndex}],`
output += '\n' + indentString + ` path: paths_${mapIndex},`
if (params.length) {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` params: {`
for (let param of params) {
@ -611,13 +611,13 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` },`
} else {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` params: {},`
output += '\n' + indentString + ` {},`
output += '\n' + indentString + `}`
return output
__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branches, indent = 0, params = []) {
__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branches, indent = 0, params = [], pathParamMapIndex) {
let output = ''
let indentation = spaces.slice(0, (indent - params.length) * 2)
let addEndBracket = true
@ -637,8 +637,8 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
output += `if (str.charCodeAt(${this.__getIndex(indent, 0, params)}) === ${branch.char.charCodeAt(0)}) { // ${branch.char}`
if (branch.path) {
output += '\n' + indentation + ` if (str.length === ${this.__getIndex(indent, 1, params)}) {`
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params)
output += '\n' + indentation + ` if (strLength === ${this.__getIndex(indent, 1, params)}) {`
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params, pathParamMapIndex)
output += '\n' + indentation + ` }`
} else {
@ -650,10 +650,10 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
params.push([branch.isParams || branch.isFullParams, paramVarName])
if (branch.isFullParams) {
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation, paths, branch, params)
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation, paths, branch, params, pathParamMapIndex)
} else if (branch.path) {
output += '\n' + indentation + `if (str.length === ${this.__getIndex(indent, 0, params)}) {`
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params)
output += '\n' + indentation + `if (strLength === ${this.__getIndex(indent, 0, params)}) {`
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params, pathParamMapIndex)
output += '\n' + indentation + `}`
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
} else {
output += '\n' + indentation + ' '
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branch.children, indent + 1, params.slice())
output += this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branch.children, indent + 1, params.slice(), pathParamMapIndex)
if (addEndBracket) {
output += '\n' + indentation + '} '
@ -674,7 +674,9 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
__treeIntoCompiledCodeClosure(paths, tree, staticList) {
let output = 'return function RBufferStrSliceClosure(str) {'
let pathParamMapIndex = new Map()
let output = ''
let prefix = ''
if (staticList.size > 0) {
output += '\n let checkStatic = staticList.get(str)'
output += '\n if(checkStatic) {'
@ -682,11 +684,17 @@ export class FlaskaRouter {
output += '\n }'
if (tree.length) {
output += '\n ' + this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, tree, 1, [])
output += '\n let strLength = str.length'
output += '\n ' + this.__treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, tree, 1, [], pathParamMapIndex)
output += '\n return null'
output += '\n}'
pathParamMapIndex.forEach(function (val, key) {
prefix += `let paths_${key} = paths[${val}]\n`
output = prefix + 'return function flaskaFastRouter(str) {\n "use strict";' + output
return new Function('paths', 'staticList', output)(paths, staticList)
@ -1223,6 +1231,7 @@ ctx.state.nonce = nonce;
// Waiting 0.1 second for it to close down
setTimeout(res, 100)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
class RouterError extends Error {
constructor(route1, route2, ...params) {
// Pass remaining arguments (including vendor specific ones) to parent constructor
// Maintains proper stack trace for where our error was thrown (only available on V8)
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, RouterError);
|||| = "RouterError";
this.routeA = route1
this.routeB = route2
function Child(split, x, i) {
this.path = null
this.isParams = split[x].isParams ? split[x].word : null
this.isFullParams = split[x].isFullParams ? split[x].word : null
this.paramVarName = split[x].paramVarName ?? null
this.char = !this.isParams && !this.isFullParams ? split[x].word[i] || '/' : null
this.count = 0
this.children = []
function buildChild(x, i, splitPaths) {
let splitPath = splitPaths[0]
let letter = new Child(splitPath.split, x, i)
let consume = []
if (splitPath.split.length === x + 1
&& (splitPath.split[x].isParams
|| splitPath.split[x].isFullParams
|| splitPath.split[x].word.length === i + 1)) {
letter.path = splitPath.entry
letter.count += 1
} else {
consume = [splitPath]
for (let y = 1; y < splitPaths.length; y++) {
let checkPath = splitPaths[y]
if (!checkPath.split[x]
|| checkPath.split[x].isParams !== splitPath.split[x].isParams
|| checkPath.split[x].isFullParams !== splitPath.split[x].isFullParams
|| !checkPath.split[x].isParams
&& !checkPath.split[x].isFullParams
&& (checkPath.split[x].word[i] || '/') !== letter.char) break
letter.count += consume.length
if (splitPath.split[x].word.length === i || splitPath.split[x].isParams || splitPath.split[x].isFullParams) {
i = -1
while (consume.length) {
letter.children.push(buildChild(x, i + 1, consume))
consume.splice(0, letter.children[letter.children.length - 1].count)
return letter
function buildTree(splitPaths) {
let builder = []
while (splitPaths.length) {
builder.push(buildChild(0, 0, splitPaths))
splitPaths.splice(0, builder[builder.length - 1].count)
return builder
const regParamPrefix = /^::?/
const regCleanNonAschii = /(?![a-zA-Z_])./g
const regCleanRest = /_+/g
function splitAndSortPaths(paths, separateStatic = true) {
let staticPaths = new Map()
let paramsPaths = []
let collator = new Intl.Collator('en', { sensitivity: 'accent' });
paths.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.path[0] !== '/') throw new RouterError(entry, null, 'Specified route was missing forward slash at start')
// Collect static paths separately
if (entry.path.indexOf('/:') < 0 && separateStatic) {
return staticPaths.set(entry.path, {
path: entry,
params: {}
// Collect params path separately
split: entry.path.slice(1).split(/\//g).map(function(word) {
let actualWord = word.replace(regParamPrefix, '')
return {
word: actualWord,
isParams: word[0] === ':' && word[1] !== ':',
isFullParams: word[0] === ':' && word[1] === ':',
paramVarName: word[0] === ':'
? actualWord.replace(regCleanNonAschii, '_').replace(regCleanRest, '_')
: null
paramsPaths.sort(function(aGroup, bGroup) {
let length = Math.max(aGroup.split.length, bGroup.split.length)
for (let x = 0; x < length; x++) {
let a = aGroup.split[x]
let b = bGroup.split[x]
if (!a) return -1
if (!b) return 1
// Full params go last
if (a.isFullParams && b.isFullParams) throw new RouterError(aGroup.entry, bGroup.entry, 'Two full path routes found on same level')
if (a.isFullParams) return 1
if (b.isFullParams) return -1
// Params go second last
if (a.isParams && !b.isParams) return 1
if (!a.isParams && b.isParams) return -1
// otherwise sort alphabetically if not identical
if (a.word !== b.word) return, b.word)
throw new RouterError(aGroup, bGroup, 'Two identical paths were found')
return {
const SlashCode = '/'.charCodeAt(0)
function getIndex(offset, additions, params) {
return (offset + additions)
+ (params.length
? ' + ' + => `offset${a[1]}`).join(' + ')
: '')
function treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentString, paths, branch, params) {
let pathIndex = paths.indexOf(branch.path)
if (pathIndex < 0) {
throw new RouterError(branch.path, null, 'InternalError: Specified path was not found in paths')
let output = '\n' + indentString + `return {`
output += '\n' + indentString + ` path: paths[${pathIndex}],`
if (params.length) {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` params: {`
for (let param of params) {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` ${param[0]}: s${param[1]},`
output += '\n' + indentString + ` },`
} else {
output += '\n' + indentString + ` params: {},`
output += '\n' + indentString + `}`
return output
const spaces = ' '
function treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branches, indent = 0, params = []) {
let output = ''
let indentation = spaces.slice(0, (indent - params.length) * 2)
let addEndBracket = true
for (let i = 0; i < branches.length; i++) {
let branch = branches[i]
if (i > 0) {
if (!branch.isParams && !branch.isFullParams) {
output += ' else '
} else {
// output += '} //'
output += '\n' + indentation
if (!branch.isParams && !branch.isFullParams) {
output += `if (buf[${getIndex(indent, 0, params)}] === ${branch.char.charCodeAt(0)}) { // ${branch.char}`
if (branch.path) {
output += '\n' + indentation + ` if (buf.length === ${getIndex(indent, 1, params)}) {`
output += treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params)
output += '\n' + indentation + ` }`
} else {
addEndBracket = false
let paramVarName = (params.length + 1) + '_' + branch.paramVarName
output += `let s${paramVarName} = str.slice(${getIndex(indent, 0, params)}${branch.isFullParams ? '' : `, buf.indexOf(${SlashCode}, ${getIndex(indent, 0, params)}) >>> 0`})`
output += '\n' + indentation + `let offset${paramVarName} = s${paramVarName}.length`
output += '\n' + indentation
params.push([branch.isParams || branch.isFullParams, paramVarName])
if (branch.isFullParams) {
output += treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation, paths, branch, params)
} else if (branch.path) {
output += '\n' + indentation + `if (buf.length === ${getIndex(indent, 0, params)}) {`
output += treeIntoCompiledCodeReturnPath(indentation + ' ', paths, branch, params)
output += '\n' + indentation + `}`
if (branch.children.length) {
if (branch.path) {
output += ' else '
} else {
output += '\n' + indentation + ' '
output += treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, branch.children, indent + 1, params.slice())
if (addEndBracket) {
output += '\n' + indentation + '} '
return output
function treeIntoCompiledCodeClosure(paths, tree, staticList) {
let output = 'return function RBufferStrSliceClosure(str) {'
output += '\n let checkStatic = staticList.get(str)'
output += '\n if(checkStatic) {'
output += '\n return checkStatic'
output += '\n }'
output += '\n var buf = Buffer.from(str)'
output += '\n ' + treeIntoCompiledCodeBranch(paths, tree, 1, [])
output += '\n return null'
output += '\n}'
return new Function('paths', 'staticList', output)(paths, staticList)
export function compilePaths(paths) {
let splitPaths = splitAndSortPaths(paths)
let tree = buildTree(splitPaths.paramsPaths.slice())
return treeIntoCompiledCodeClosure(paths, tree, splitPaths.staticPaths)
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import { Flaska } from './flaska.mjs'
const port = 51026
const flaska = new Flaska({}, )
flaska.get('/', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { status: true }
flaska.get('/:item/asdf/herp/:derp/bla', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { item: ctx.params.item }
flaska.get('/a', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { status: true }
flaska.get('/error', function(ctx) {
flaska.listen(port, function() {
console.log('listening on port', port)
@ -1072,10 +1072,23 @@ t.describe('#closeAsync()', function() {
assert.strictEqual(err, assertError)
t.test('it should call closeAllConnections', async function() {
const assertError = new Error('Pirate Fight')
let flaska = new Flaska()
flaska.server = {
close: stub(),
closeAllConnections: stub(),
let err = await assert.isRejected(flaska.closeAsync())
assert.strictEqual(err, assertError)
t.test('should otherwise work', async function() {
let flaska = new Flaska()
flaska.server = {
close: stub()
close: stub(),
closeAllConnections: stub(),
flaska.server.close.returnWith(function(cb) {
cb(null, { a: 1 })
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import { Flaska } from './flaska_fast.mjs'
const port = 51028
const flaska = new Flaska({}, )
flaska.get('/', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { status: true }
flaska.get('/:item/asdf/herp/:derp/bla', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { item: ctx.params.item }
flaska.get('/error', function(ctx) {
flaska.listen(port, function() {
console.log('listening on port', port)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import { Flaska } from './flaska_buffer.mjs'
const port = 51027
const flaska = new Flaska({}, )
flaska.get('/', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { status: true }
flaska.get('/:item/asdf/herp/:derp/bla', function(ctx) {
ctx.body = { item: ctx.params.item }
flaska.get('/error', function(ctx) {
flaska.listen(port, function() {
console.log('listening on port', port)
Reference in a new issue