• v1.3.5 d5459cbcb9

    v1.3.5 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2023-11-21 18:41:23 +00:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from d5459cbcb9 :

    cors: Add specific support for supporting all origin

  • v1.3.4 01a916eb2d

    v1.3.4 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2023-11-03 22:52:42 +00:00 | 1 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 01a916eb2d :

    socket: Set time out and forcibly close timed out sockets. Fix tests for different node versions

  • v1.3.3 7401b3bd2c

    v1.3.3 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2023-05-11 09:52:23 +00:00 | 5 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 7401b3bd2c :

    requestEnd: Add proper support for buffers in body

  • v1.3.2 95e6c2dcac

    v1.3.2 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2023-01-26 09:26:36 +00:00 | 6 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 95e6c2dcac :

    Test: Update tests on formidable errors

  • v1.3.1 8a56969015

    v1.3.1 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-08-10 14:13:57 +00:00 | 9 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 8a56969015 :

    Fix FormidableHandler so it detects filetype based on extension if type is unknown or application octet-stream.

  • v1.3.0 5f916e97ea

    v1.3.0 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-07-06 14:51:27 +00:00 | 10 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 5f916e97ea :

    Formidable: Better handling for file uploads. Now supports multiple keys

  • v1.2.5 e9c600b869

    v1.2.5 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-06-16 10:00:15 +00:00 | 12 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from e9c600b869 :

    Flaska: Add support for appendHeaders in constructor.

  • v1.2.4 0c22fe9577

    v1.2.4 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-05-12 16:44:56 +00:00 | 14 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 0c22fe9577 :

    Final fix unit tests

  • v1.2.3 4820347cfb

    v1.2.3 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-04-07 11:28:18 +00:00 | 17 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from 4820347cfb :

    req: Fix bug where it would call requestEnded when request was closed. This behavior is normal during the middle of a request

  • v1.2.2 cffca53eb6

    v1.2.2 Stable

    nfpnoc released this 2022-04-02 19:48:03 +00:00 | 18 commits to master since this release

    Automatic release from Appveyor from cffca53eb6 :

    test: Fix tests that were relying on aborted log message. These are spammy and normal and shouldn't be logged
