
76 lines
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2019-06-14 08:36:52 +00:00
INCLUDE "game/game.asm"
INCLUDE "tools.asm"
SECTION "Header", ROM0[$100]
EntryPoint: ;
di ; Disable interrupts. That way we can avoid dealing with them, especially since we didn't talk about them yet
jp Start ; Leave this tiny space
REPT $150 - $104
db 0
SECTION "Intro code", ROM0
; First step is to access the VRAM to insert our graphics data.
; To do so, we must wait until we are in VBLANK period.
; Loop until we find ourselves in VBLANK
; Turn off the LCD
ld a, [rLY] ; Load the current vertical line being rendered
cp 144 ; Check if we're past VBlank (1 to 144 = carry bit set)
jr c, .waitVBlank ; Jump back to waitVBlank if rLY is less than 144
xor a ; ld a, 0 ; Reset the accumilator register
; Our target is to set bit 7 reset on the LDC to turn it off
ld [rLCDC], a ; We will have to write to LCDC again later, so it's not a bother, really.
; ----------- Font Begin copying to VRAM -----------
; Start copying our font to vram
ld de, FontTiles ; The start of the font tiles
ld hl, $9000 ; Set registers hl to $9000 which is the beginning of vram
ld bc, FontTilesEnd - FontTiles ; The total length of font tiles
call Memcpy
; ----------- Begin copying string to palette -----------
ld hl, $9800 ; This will print the string at the top-left corner of screen
ld de, HelloWorldStr
ld a, [de] ; Read the first byte in the string to accumilator
ld [hli], a ; Write the byte from the accumilator to the destination while incrementing destination address
inc de ; Move to next byte in string
and a ; AND a with A, Checking if we copied a zero (end of string)
jr nz, .copyString ; Continue copying while not zero
; ----------- Start the display -----------
; Init the display register
ld a, %11100100 ; Load the palette of white, light gray, dark gray, black
ld a, %00011011 ; Load the palette of white, light gray, dark gray, black
ld [rBGP], a ; Store the palette to display
xor a ; ld a, 0 ; Reset the accumilator
ld [rSCY], a ; Set our scroll Y position to 0
ld [rSCX], a ; Set our scroll X position to 0
ld [rNR52], a ; Turn off sound
; Turn the screen on, display background
ld a, %10000001 ; screen on = 8th bit, background display = 1st bit
ld [rLCDC], a ; Set the screen flags
jp GameLoop
INCBIN "font.chr"
Section "Hello wrold string", ROM0
db "Hello World!", 0