Using nconf is easy; it is designed to be a simple key-value store with support for both local and remote storage. Keys are namespaced and delimited by `:`. Lets dive right into sample usage:
A simple in-memory storage engine that stores a nested JSON representation of the configuration. To use this engine, just call `.use()` with the appropriate arguments. All calls to `.get()`, `.set()`, `.clear()`, `.reset()` methods are synchronous since we are only dealing with an in-memory object.
Based on the Memory store, but provides additional methods `.save()` and `.load()` which allow you to read your configuration to and from file. As with the Memory store, all method calls are synchronous with the exception of `.save()` and `.load()` which take callback functions. It is important to note that setting keys in the File engine will not be persisted to disk until a call to `.save()` is made.
The file store is also extensible for multiple file formats, defaulting to `JSON`. To use a custom format, simply pass a format object to the `.use()` method. This object must have `.parse()` and `.stringify()` methods just like the native `JSON` object.
There is more documentation available through docco. I haven't gotten around to making a gh-pages branch so in the meantime if you clone the repository you can view the docs: