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 * file.js: Simple file storage engine for nconf files
 * (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    util = require('util'),
    formats = require('../formats'),
    Memory = require('./memory').Memory;

function File (options)

@options {Object} Options for this instance

Constructor function for the File nconf store, a simple abstraction around the Memory store that can persist configuration to disk.

var File = exports.File = function (options) {
  if (!options.file) {
    throw new Error ('Missing required option `files`');

  Memory.call(this, options);

  this.type   = 'file';
  this.file   = options.file;
  this.dir    = options.dir    || process.cwd();
  this.format = options.format || formats.json;

Inherit from the Memory store

util.inherits(File, Memory);

function save (value, callback)

@value {Object} Ignored Left here for consistency

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.

Saves the current configuration object to disk at this.file using the format specified by this.format.

File.prototype.save = function (value, callback) {
  if (!callback) {
    callback = value;
    value = null;
  fs.writeFile(this.file, this.format.stringify(this.store), function (err) {
    return err ? callback(err) : callback();

function saveSync (value, callback)

@value {Object} Ignored Left here for consistency

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Saves the current configuration object to disk at this.file using the format specified by this.format synchronously.

File.prototype.saveSync = function (value) {
  try {
    fs.writeFileSync(this.file, this.format.stringify(this.store));
  catch (ex) {

function load (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.

Responds with an Object representing all keys associated in this instance.

File.prototype.load = function (callback) {
  var self = this;

  path.exists(self.file, function (exists) {
    if (!exists) {

If the path we are attempting to load doesn't exist, create it

      self.save({}, function (err) {
        self.store = {};
        return callback(err, self.store);
    else {

Else, the path exists, read it from disk

      fs.readFile(self.file, function (err, data) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);
        try {
          self.store = self.format.parse(data.toString());
        catch (ex) {
          return callback(new Error("Error parsing your JSON configuration file."));
        callback(null, self.store);

function load (callback)

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Attempts to load the data stored in this.file synchronously and responds appropriately.

File.prototype.loadSync = function () {
  var data, self = this;

  if (!path.existsSync(self.file)) {

If the path we are attempting to load doesn't exist, create it

    self.store = {};
    data = {};
  else {

Else, the path exists, read it from disk

    try {
      data = fs.readFileSync(this.file, 'utf8');
      this.store = this.format.parse(data);
    catch (ex) {
      throw new Error("Error parsing your JSON configuration file.")

  return data;

function search (base)

@base {string} Base directory (or file) to begin searching for the target file.

Attempts to find this.file by iteratively searching up the directory structure

File.prototype.search = function (base) {
  var looking = true,

  base = base || process.cwd();

  if (this.file[0] === '/') {

If filename for this instance is a fully qualified path (i.e. it starts with a '/') then check if it exists

    try {
      stats = fs.statSync(fs.realpathSync(this.file));
      if (stats.isFile()) {
        fullpath = this.file;
        looking = false;
    catch (ex) {

Ignore errors


  if (looking && base) {

Attempt to stat the realpath located at base if the directory does not exist then return false.

    try {
      var stat = fs.statSync(fs.realpathSync(base));
      looking = stat.isDirectory();
    catch (ex) {
      return false;
  while (looking) {

Iteratively look up the directory structure from base

    try {
      stats = fs.statSync(fs.realpathSync(fullpath = path.join(base, this.file)));
      looking = stats.isDirectory();
    catch (ex) {
      previous = base;
      base = path.dirname(base);

      if (previous === base) {

If we've reached the top of the directory structure then simply use the default file path.

        try {
          stats = fs.statSync(fs.realpathSync(fullpath = path.join(this.dir, this.file)));
          if (stats.isDirectory()) {
            fullpath = undefined;
        catch (ex) {

Ignore errors

        looking = false;

Set the file for this instance to the fullpath that we have found during the search. In the event that the search was unsuccessful use the original value for this.file.

  this.file = fullpath || this.file;
  return fullpath;