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 * nconf.js: Top-level include for the nconf module
 * (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins


var nconf = exports;

Version 0.1.6 :: 4/19/2011

nconf.version = [0, 1, 6];

Include the various store types exposed by nconf

nconf.stores  = require('nconf/stores');

function use (type, options)

@type {string} Type of the nconf store to use.

@options {Object} Options for the store instance.

Sets the active nconf.store to a new instance of the specified type.

nconf.use = function (type, options) {
  if (!nconf.store || type.toLowerCase() !== nconf.store.type) {
    nconf.store = new nconf.stores.create(type, options);

function get (key, callback)

@key {string} Key to retrieve for this instance.

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Retrieves the value for the specified key (if any).

nconf.get = function (key, callback) {
  return nconf.store.get(key, callback);

function set (key, value, callback)

@key {string} Key to set in this instance

@value {literal|Object} Value for the specified key

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Sets the value for the specified key in this instance.

nconf.set = function (key, value, callback) {
  return nconf.store.set(key, value, callback);

function clear (key, callback)

@key {string} Key to remove from this instance

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Removes the value for the specified key from this instance.

nconf.clear = function (key, callback) {
  return nconf.store.clear(key, callback);

function load (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.

Responds with an Object representing all keys associated in this instance.

nconf.load = function (callback) {

If we don't have a callback and the current store is capable of loading synchronously then do so.

  if (!callback && nconf.store.loadSync) {
    return nconf.store.loadSync();
  if (!nconf.store.load) {
    var error = new Error('nconf store ' + nconf.store.type + ' has no load() method');
    if (callback) {
      return callback (error);
    throw error;
  return nconf.store.load(callback);

function save (value, callback)

@value {Object} Optional Config object to set for this instance

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.

Removes any existing configuration settings that may exist in this instance and then adds all key-value pairs in value.

nconf.save = function (value, callback) {
  if (!callback) {
    callback = value;
    value = null;

If we still don't have a callback and the current store is capable of saving synchronously then do so.

    if (!callback && nconf.store.saveSync) {
      return nconf.store.saveSync();
  if (!nconf.store.save) {
    var error = new Error('nconf store ' + nconf.store.type + ' has no save() method');
    if (callback) {
      return callback (error);
    throw error;
  return nconf.store.save(value, callback);

function reset (callback)

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Clears all keys associated with this instance.

nconf.reset = function (callback) {
  return nconf.store.reset(callback);

function key (arguments)

Returns a : joined string from the arguments.

nconf.key = function () {
  return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(':');

function path (key)

@key {string} The ':' delimited key to split

Returns a fully-qualified path to a nested nconf key.

nconf.path = function (key) {
  return key.split(':');

Use the memory engine by default
