nconf.js | |
* nconf.js: Top-level include for the nconf module
* (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins
var Provider = require('./nconf/provider').Provider,
nconf = module.exports = Object.create(Provider.prototype); | |
Use the memory engine by default. | nconf.use('memory'); |
Expose the version from the package.json using | require('pkginfo')('version'); |
function path (key)@key {string} The ':' delimited key to splitReturns a fully-qualified path to a nested nconf key. | nconf.path = function (key) {
return key.split(':');
}; |
function key (arguments)Returns a | nconf.key = function () {
}; |
Expose the various components included with nconf | nconf.stores = require('./nconf/stores');
nconf.Provider = Provider;