
2.7 KiB

  • cutarelease -f bin/bunyan (doesn't work right now)
  • expand set of fields: from dap time, hostname require: facility and hostname line/file: possible to get quickly with v8? Yunong asked.
  • log.close to close streams and shutdown and this.closed
  • bunyan cli: more layouts ( Custom log formats (in config file? in '-f' arg) using printf or hogan.js or whatever. Dap wants field width control for lining up. Hogan.js is probably overkill for this.
  • bunyan cli: filter args a la json
  • bunyan cli: -c COND args a la json
  • mark wants pretty output for debug output
    • not sure if 'bunyan --pretty' or whatever would suffice
  • ringBuffer stream
  • syslog: Josh uses streams: [ ... { level: "warn", type: "syslog", syslog_facility: "LOG_LOCAL1", // one of the syslog facility defines syslog_pid: true, // syslog logopt "LOG_PID" syslog_cons: false // syslog logopt "LOG_CONS" }
  • Logger.setLevel()? How to change level for a given stream. Default all, else, give an index... or type ... or support stream "names".
  • Logger.set to mutate config or this.fields
  • Logger.del to remove a field
  • "canWrite" handling for full streams. Need to buffer a la log4js
  • test file log with logadm rotation: does it handle that?
  • test suite:
    • test for a cloned logger double-stream.end() causing problems. Perhaps the "closeOnExit" for existing streams should be false for clones.
    • test that a log.clone(...) adding a new field matching a serializer works and that an existing field in the parent is not re-serialized.
  • a "rolling-file" stream: but specifically by time, e.g. hourly. (MarkC requested)


  • custom "emitter" feature: an additional "emitter" param on the "streams" objects: which you'd give instead of "stream" (a node "Writable Stream"). It would take a Bunyan log record object and be expected to emit it. It would be a good hook for people with custom needs that Bunyan doesn't care about (e.g. or or whatever).
  • serializer request_id that pulls it from req?{request_id: req}, "hi")
  • serializer support:
    • restify-server.js example -> restifyReq ? or have req detect that. That is nicer for the "use all standard ones". Does restify req have anything special?
    • differential HTTP client req/res with server req/res.