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# bunyan Changelog
## bunyan 0.14.4 (not yet released)
(nothing yet)
## bunyan 0.14.3
- Improve error serialization to walk the chain of `.cause()` errors
from the likes of `WError` or `VError` error classes from
[verror]( and
[restify v2.0](
## bunyan 0.14.2
- [issue #45] Fix bunyan CLI (default output mode) to not crash on a 'res'
field that isn't a response object, but a string.
## bunyan 0.14.1
- [issue #44] Fix the default `bunyan` CLI output of a `res.body` that is an
object instead of a string. See issue#38 for the same with `req.body`.
## bunyan 0.14.0
- [pull #41] Safe `JSON.stringify`ing of emitted log records to avoid blowing
up on circular objects (by Isaac Schlueter).
## bunyan 0.13.5
- [issue #39] Fix a bug with `client_req` handling in the default output
of the `bunyan` CLI.
## bunyan 0.13.4
- [issue #38] Fix the default `bunyan` CLI output of a `req.body` that is an
object instead of a string.
## bunyan 0.13.3
- Export `bunyan.resolveLevel(NAME-OR-NUM)` to resolve a level name or number
to its log level number value:
> bunyan.resolveLevel('INFO')
> bunyan.resolveLevel('debug')
A side-effect of this change is that the uppercase level name is now allowed
in the logger constructor.
## bunyan 0.13.2
- [issue #35] Ensure that an accidental ``, where BUFFER is
a node.js Buffer object, doesn't blow up.
## bunyan 0.13.1
- [issue #34] Ensure `req.body`, `res.body` and other request/response fields
are emitted by the `bunyan` CLI (mostly by Rob Gulewich).
## bunyan 0.13.0
- [issue #31] Re-instate defines for the (uppercase) log level names (TRACE,
DEBUG, etc.) in `bunyan -c "..."` filtering condition code. E.g.:
$ ... | bunyan -c 'level >= ERROR'
## bunyan 0.12.0
- [pull #32] `bunyan -o short` for more concise output (by Dave Pacheco). E.g.:
22:56:52.856Z INFO myservice: My message
instead of:
[2012-02-08T22:56:52.856Z] INFO: myservice/123 on My message
## bunyan 0.11.3
- Add '--strict' option to `bunyan` CLI to suppress all but legal Bunyan JSON
log lines. By default non-JSON, and non-Bunyan lines are passed through.
## bunyan 0.11.2
- [issue #30] Robust handling of 'req' field without a 'headers' subfield
in `bunyan` CLI.
- [issue #31] Pull the TRACE, DEBUG, et al defines from `bunyan -c "..."`
filtering code. This was added in v0.11.1, but has a significant adverse
## bunyan 0.11.1
- **Bad release. The TRACE et al names are bleeding into the log records
when using '-c'.**
- Add defines for the (uppercase) log level names (TRACE, DEBUG, etc.) in
`bunyan -c "..."` filtering condition code. E.g.:
$ ... | bunyan -c 'level >= ERROR'
## bunyan 0.11.0
- [pull #29] Add -l/--level for level filtering, and -c/--condition for
arbitrary conditional filtering (by
$ ... | bunyan -l error # filter out log records below error
$ ... | bunyan -l 50 # numeric value works too
$ ... | bunyan -c 'level===50' # equiv with -c filtering
$ ... | bunyan -c 'pid===123' # filter on any field
$ ... | bunyan -c 'pid===123' -c '_audit' # multiple filters
## bunyan 0.10.0
- [pull #24] Support for gzip'ed log files in the bunyan CLI (by
$ bunyan foo.log.gz
## bunyan 0.9.0
- [pull #16] Bullet proof the `bunyan.stdSerializers` (by
- [pull #15] The `bunyan` CLI will now chronologically merge multiple log
streams when it is given multiple file arguments. (by
$ bunyan foo.log bar.log
... merged log records ...
- [pull #15] A new `bunyan.RingBuffer` stream class that is useful for
keeping the last N log messages in memory. This can be a fast way to keep
recent, and thus hopefully relevant, log messages. (by @dapsays,
Potential uses: Live debugging if a running process could inspect those
messages. One could dump recent log messages at a finer log level than is
typically logged on
var ringbuffer = new bunyan.RingBuffer({ limit: 100 });
var log = new bunyan({
name: 'foo',
streams: [{
type: 'raw',
stream: ringbuffer,
level: 'debug'
});'hello world');
- Add support for "raw" streams. This is a logging stream that is given
raw log record objects instead of a JSON-stringified string.
function Collector() {
this.records = [];
Collector.prototype.write = function (rec) {
var log = new Logger({
name: 'mylog',
streams: [{
type: 'raw',
stream: new Collector()
See "examples/raw-stream.js". I expect raw streams to be useful for
piping Bunyan logging to separate services (e.g. <>,
<>) or to separate in-process handling.
- Add test/corpus/*.log files (accidentally excluded) so the test suite
actually works(!).
## bunyan 0.8.0
- [pull #21] Bunyan loggers now re-emit `fs.createWriteStream` error events.
By See "examples/handle-fs-error.js" and
"test/error-event.js" for details.
var log = new Logger({name: 'mylog', streams: [{path: FILENAME}]});
log.on('error', function (err, stream) {
// Handle error writing to or creating FILENAME.
- jsstyle'ing (via `make check`)
## bunyan 0.7.0
- [issue #12] Add `bunyan.createLogger(OPTIONS)` form, as is more typical in
node.js APIs. This'll eventually become the preferred form.
## bunyan 0.6.9
- Change `bunyan` CLI default output to color "src" info red. Before the "src"
information was uncolored. The "src" info is the filename, line number and
function name resulting from using `src: true` in `Logger` creation. I.e.,
the `(/Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/hi.js:10)` in:
[2012-04-10T22:28:58.237Z] INFO: myapp/39339 on banana.local (/Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/hi.js:10): hi
- Tweak `bunyan` CLI default output to still show an "err" field if it doesn't
have a "stack" attribute.
## bunyan 0.6.8
- Fix bad bug in `log.child({...}, true);` where the added child fields **would
be added to the parent's fields**. This bug only existed for the "fast child"
path (that second `true` argument). A side-effect of fixing this is that
the "fast child" path is only 5 times as fast as the regular `log.child`,
instead of 10 times faster.
## bunyan 0.6.7
- [issue #6] Fix bleeding 'type' var to global namespace. (Thanks Mike!)
## bunyan 0.6.6
- Add support to the `bunyan` CLI taking log file path args, `bunyan foo.log`,
in addition to the usual `cat foo.log | bunyan`.
- Improve reliability of the default output formatting of the `bunyan` CLI.
Before it could blow up processing log records missing some expected
## bunyan 0.6.5
- ANSI coloring output from `bunyan` CLI tool (for the default output mode/style).
Also add the '--color' option to force coloring if the output stream is not
a TTY, e.g. `cat my.log | bunyan --color | less -R`. Use `--no-color` to
disable coloring, e.g. if your terminal doesn't support ANSI codes.
- Add 'level' field to log record before custom fields for that record. This
just means that the raw record JSON will show the 'level' field earlier,
which is a bit nicer for raw reading.
## bunyan 0.6.4
- [issue #5] Fix ` -> boolean` to work properly. Previous all were
returning false. Ditto all trace/debug/.../fatal methods.
## bunyan 0.6.3
- Allow an optional `msg` and arguments to the `<Error> err)` logging
form. For example, before:
log.debug(my_error_instance) // good
log.debug(my_error_instance, "boom!") // wasn't allowed
Now the latter is allowed if you want to expliciting set the log msg. Of course
this applies to all the `log.{trace|debug|info...}()` methods.
- `bunyan` cli output: clarify extra fields with quoting if empty or have
spaces. E.g. 'cmd' and 'stderr' in the following:
[2012-02-12T00:30:43.736Z] INFO: mo-docs/43194 on banana.local: buildDocs results (req_id=185edca2-2886-43dc-911c-fe41c09ec0f5, route=PutDocset, error=null, stderr="", cmd="make docs")
## bunyan 0.6.2
- Fix/guard against unintended inclusion of some files in npm published package
due to <>
## bunyan 0.6.1
- Internal: starting jsstyle usage.
- Internal: add .npmignore. Previous packages had reams of bunyan crud in them.
## bunyan 0.6.0
- Add 'pid' automatic log record field.
## bunyan 0.5.3
- Add 'client_req' (HTTP client request) standard formatting in `bunyan` CLI
default output.
- Improve `bunyan` CLI default output to include *all* log record keys. Unknown keys
are either included in the first line parenthetical (if short) or in the indented
subsequent block (if long or multiline).
## bunyan 0.5.2
- [issue #3] More type checking of `new Logger(...)` and `log.child(...)`
- Start a test suite.
## bunyan 0.5.1
- [issue #2] Add guard on `JSON.stringify`ing of log records before emission.
This will prevent `` et al throwing on record fields that cannot be
represented as JSON. An error will be printed on stderr and a clipped log
record emitted with a 'bunyanMsg' key including error details. E.g.:
bunyan: ERROR: could not stringify log record from /Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/unstringifyable.js:12: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
"name": "foo",
"hostname": "banana.local",
"bunyanMsg": "bunyan: ERROR: could not stringify log record from /Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/unstringifyable.js:12: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON",
Some timing shows this does effect log speed:
$ node tools/timeguard.js # before
Time try/catch-guard on JSON.stringify:
- 0.07365ms per iteration
$ node tools/timeguard.js # after
Time try/catch-guard on JSON.stringify:
- 0.07368ms per iteration
## bunyan 0.5.0
- Use 10/20/... instead of 1/2/... for level constant values. Ostensibly this
allows for intermediary levels from the defined "trace/debug/..." set.
However, that is discouraged. I'd need a strong user argument to add
support for easily using alternative levels. Consider using a separate
JSON field instead.
- s/service/name/ for Logger name field. "service" is unnecessarily tied
to usage for a service. No need to differ from log4j Logger "name".
- Add `log.level(...)` and `log.levels(...)` API for changing logger stream
- Add `TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL` level constants to exports.
- Add `` special case for logging an `Error` instance. For
example ` TypeError("boom")` will produce:
"err": {
"message": "boom",
"name": "TypeError",
"stack": "TypeError: boom\n at Object.<anonymous> ..."
"msg": "boom",
## bunyan 0.4.0
- Add `new Logger({src: true})` config option to have a 'src' attribute be
automatically added to log records with the log call source info. Example:
"src": {
"file": "/Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/src.js",
"line": 20,
"func": "Wuzzle.woos"
## bunyan 0.3.0
- `log.child(options[, simple])` Added `simple` boolean arg. Set `true` to
assert that options only add fields (no config changes). Results in a 10x
speed increase in child creation. See "tools/timechild.js". On my Mac,
"fast child" creation takes about 0.001ms. IOW, if your app is dishing
10,000 req/s, then creating a log child for each request will take
about 1% of the request time.
- `log.clone` -> `log.child` to better reflect the relationship: streams and
serializers are inherited. Streams can't be removed as part of the child
creation. The child doesn't own the parent's streams (so can't close them).
- Clean up Logger creation. The goal here was to ensure `log.child` usage
is fast. TODO: measure that.
- Add `Logger.stdSerializers.err` serializer which is necessary to get good
Error object logging with node 0.6 (where core Error object properties
are non-enumerable).
## bunyan 0.2.0
- Spec'ing core/recommended log record fields.
- Add `LOG_VERSION` to exports.
- Improvements to request/response serializations.
## bunyan 0.1.0
First release.