
250 lines
7.9 KiB

import cluster from 'cluster'
import { Low } from 'lowdb'
import Application from './application.mjs'
import Util from './util.mjs'
import getLog from './log.mjs'
import StaticProvider from './providers/static.mjs'
import GitProvider from './providers/git.mjs'
export default class Core {
static providers = new Map()
static addProvider(name, provider) {
if (!name || typeof(name) !== 'string')
throw new Error('addProvider name must be a string')
if (typeof(provider) !== 'function')
throw new Error(`addProvider ${name} provider must be a class`)
let test = new provider({})
if (typeof(test.checkConfig) !== 'function')
throw new Error(`addProvider ${name} provider class missing checkConfig`)
if (typeof(test.getLatestVersion) !== 'function')
throw new Error(`addProvider ${name} provider class missing getLatestVersion`)
Core.providers.set(name, provider)
constructor(db, util, log, restart = function() {}) {
// some sanity checks
if (!log || typeof(log) !== 'object') throw new Error('log parameter was invalid')
if (typeof(log.event) !== 'object') throw new Error('log parameter was invalid')
if (typeof( !== 'function'
|| typeof(log.warn) !== 'function'
|| typeof(log.error) !== 'function'
|| typeof( !== 'function'
|| typeof(log.event.warn) !== 'function'
|| typeof(log.event.error) !== 'function') throw new Error('log parameter was invalid')
if (!util || !(util instanceof Util)) throw new Error('util not instance of Util')
if (!db || !(db instanceof Low)) throw new Error('db not instance of Low')
if (typeof(restart) !== 'function') throw new Error('restart was not a function')
this.running = false
this.db = db
this.util = util
this.log = log
this.restart = restart
this.applications = []
this.applicationMap = new Map()
this._applicationFatalCrash = null
this.isSlave = cluster.isWorker
getApplication(name) {
return this.applicationMap.get(name)
async init() {`Verifying config`)
let names = this.util.getAppNames(this.db.config)`Found applications: ${names.join(', ')}.`)
let hasCluster = false
for (let name of names) {
if (this.isSlave && process.env.CLUSTER_APP_NAME !== name) {
try {
let provConstructor = Core.providers.get(this.db.config[name].provider)
let provider = new provConstructor(this.db.config[name])
if (!this.isSlave) {
await provider.checkConfig(this.db.config[name])
let logName = name
if (this.isSlave && process.env.CLUSTER_APP_INDEX) {
logName += '-' + process.env.CLUSTER_APP_INDEX
let application = new Application({
db: this.db,
util: this.util,
log: getLog(logName, this.db.config[name].log || null, { name: name }),
core: this,
}, provider, name)
this.applicationMap.set(name, application)
if (this.db.config[name].cluster) {
hasCluster = true
} catch (err) {
this.log.error(err, `Error creating application ${name} with provider ${this.db.config[name].provider} with config ${JSON.stringify(this.db.config[name])}: ${err.message}`)
if (hasCluster && !this.isSlave) {
cluster.on('message', (worker, message) => {
// Some sanity checking
if (!message
|| typeof(message) !== 'object'
|| typeof(message.apptarget) !== 'string'
|| typeof(message.type) !== 'string'
|| typeof(message.payload) !== 'object'
|| !message.payload
) {
let app = this.getApplication(message.apptarget)
let targetLog = null
if (app) {
targetLog = app.ctx.log
} else if (message.apptarget === {
targetLog = this.log
if (!targetLog) return
if (message.type === 'newlog') {
targetLog.emit('newlog', message.payload)
if (names.length && !this.applications.length) {
this.log.error('None of the application were successful in running')
return Promise.reject(new Error('None of the application were successful in running'))
async run() {
if (this.running) return
this.running = true
if (!this.isSlave) {`Running updater on ${this.applications.length} apps`)
await Promise.all( => {
return app.update().catch(err => {
app.ctx.log.error(err, `Error updating: ${err.message}`)
let found = false
if (this.isSlave) {
let app = this.getApplication(process.env.CLUSTER_APP_NAME)
try {
await app.runVersion(process.env.CLUSTER_APP_VERSION)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
for (let app of this.applications) {
await this.runApplication(app).then(
() => {
found = true
err => {
app.ctx.log.error(err, `Error running: ${err.message}`)
app.on('updated', this.runApplication.bind(this, app))
if (!found) {
throw new Error('No stable application was found')
criticalError(application, version, errorCode) {
application.ctx.log.fatal(`Critical error ${errorCode} running ${version.version}`)
version.stable = -2
async runApplication(application) {
let name =
let found = false
if (![name].versions.length) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`No versions were found`))
for (let i = 0; i <[name].versions.length; i++) {
let version =[name].versions[i]
if (!version.installed || version.stable < -1) continue
if (version.stable < 0 && !application.fresh) {
application.ctx.log.warn(`Restarting for ${version.version} due to last run failing while not being in fresh state`)
return this.restart(`Application ${name} has fresh false while attempting to run ${version.version} with stable -1`)
await application.closeServer()
this._applicationFatalCrash = this.criticalError.bind(this, application, version)
process.once('exit', this._applicationFatalCrash)
let wasFresh = application.fresh
try {`Attempting to run version ${version.version}`)
await application.runVersion(version.version)
found = true
version.stable = 1
await this.db.write()`${version.version} is up and running`)
} catch(err) {
application.ctx.log.error(err, `Error starting ${version.version}: ${err.message}`)'exit', this._applicationFatalCrash)
if (version.stable < 1) {
if (wasFresh) {
version.stable = -2
} else {
version.stable = -1
await this.db.write()
if (version.stable === -1) {
return this.restart(`Application ${name} version ${version.version} failed to start but application was dirty, check if restarting fixes it`)
} else {
await this.db.write()
return this.restart(`Application ${name} version ${version.version} previously stable but now failing`)
} finally {'exit', this._applicationFatalCrash)
if (!found) {
return Promise.reject(Error(`No stable versions were found`))
Core.addProvider('static', StaticProvider)
Core.addProvider('git', GitProvider)