
448 lines
13 KiB

import { Eltro as t, assert} from 'eltro'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import http from 'http'
import Util from '../core/util.mjs'
import { request } from '../core/client.mjs'
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'
import { prettyPrintMessage } from './helpers.mjs'
import { pipeline } from 'stream'
import getLog from '../core/log.mjs'
const util = new Util(import.meta.url)
const port = 61412
t.timeout(10000).describe('', function() {
let server = null
let prefix = `http://localhost:${port}/`
let files = []
let logs = []
let versions = []
let processor
let integrationLog = getLog('test.integration', [])
let compressorPath = util.getPathFromRoot('./7za.exe')
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
compressorPath = util.getPathFromRoot('./7zas')
t.before(function(cb) {
server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
req.on('error', function(err) {
integrationLog.error(err, 'error')
res.on('error', function(err) {
integrationLog.error(err, 'error')
})'[SERVER] got request ' + req.url)
if (req.url === '/releases') {
res.statusCode = 200
let output = => {
return {
name: x[0],
body: x[1],
assets: [{
name: x[2],
browser_download_url: prefix + 'files/' + x[2]
} else if (req.url.startsWith('/files')) {
let filename = req.url.substring(req.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
return'./' + filename))
.then(function(file) {
pipeline(file.createReadStream(), res, function(err) {
if (err) {
res.statusCode = 404
res.end(JSON.stringify({ error: 'unknown url' }))
}).catch(function(err) {
res.statusCode = 404
res.end(JSON.stringify({ error: 'unknown url' }))
res.statusCode = 404
res.end(JSON.stringify({ error: 'unknown url' }))
fs.rm(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json'), { force: true }).then(function() {
server.listen(port, cb)
}, cb)
t.after(function() {
return Promise.all( {
return fs.rm(file, { force: true, recursive: true })
.then(function() {
if (processor && !processor.exitCode) {
const version_1_stable = `
export function start(http, port, ctx) {
const server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.end(JSON.stringify({ version: 'v1' }))
return server.listenAsync(port, '')
.then(() => {{ port: port, listening: true }, \`Server is listening on \${port} serving v1\`)
const version_2_nolisten = `
export function start(http, port, ctx) {
const version_3_crashing = `
export function start(http, port, ctx) {
const version_4_stable = `
export function start(http, port, ctx) {
const server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.end(JSON.stringify({ version: 'v4' }))
return server.listenAsync(port, '')
.then(() => {{ port: port, listening: true }, \`Server is listening on \${port} serving v4\`)
function file(relative) {
let file = util.getPathFromRoot(relative)
return file
function log(message) {
let lines = message.split('\n')
for (let line of lines) {
if (!line.trim()) continue
function parseLine(line) {
if (line[0] === '{') {
return JSON.parse(line)
return {
msg: line
let logIndex = 0
function catchupLog(ms = 0) {
if (logs.length > logIndex) {
for (; logIndex < logs.length; logIndex++) {
if (ms > 0) {
return setTimeout(ms)
integrationLog.on('newlog', function(record) {
let logWaitIndex = 0
function hasLogLine(regMatch) {
if (logs.length > logWaitIndex) {
for (; logWaitIndex < logs.length; logWaitIndex++) {
if (typeof(regMatch) === 'function') {
let res = regMatch(parseLine(logs[logWaitIndex]))
if (res) return true
else if (logs[logWaitIndex].match(regMatch)) {
return true
return false
function findInLogs(regMatch) {
for (let i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
if (typeof(regMatch) === 'function') {
let res = regMatch(parseLine(logs[i]))
if (res) return true
else if (logs[i].match(regMatch)) {
return true
async function waitUntilListening() {
let listeningLine = null
while (processor.exitCode == null
&& !hasLogLine((rec) => { listeningLine = rec; return rec.listening && rec.port })) {
await catchupLog(10)
if (listeningLine.listening && listeningLine.port) {
return listeningLine
} else {
return null
async function waitUntilClosed(listening) {
while (true) {
try {
await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
} catch (err) {
await setTimeout(25)
logs.splice(0, logs.length); logIndex = 0; logWaitIndex = 0; console.log('\n-------\n')
function startRunner() {
return util.runCommandBackground('node', ['runner.mjs'], util.getPathFromRoot('./'), log)
t.test('should be fully operational', async function() {
let index = file('./index.mjs')
await fs.writeFile(index, version_1_stable)
await util.runCommand(compressorPath, ['a', file('./v1-sc.7z'), index], util.getPathFromRoot('./testapp'))
processor = startRunner()
while (processor.exitCode == null) {
await catchupLog(10)
let secondLast = parseLine(logs[logs.length - 2])
let last = parseLine(logs[logs.length - 1])
assert.match(secondLast.msg, /creating/i)
assert.match(secondLast.msg, /application/i)
assert.match(secondLast.msg, /testapp/i)
assert.match(secondLast.msg, /0 releases/i)
assert.match(last.err.message, /none/i)
assert.match(last.err.message, /successful/i)
// Reset our log
logs.splice(0, logs.length); logIndex = 0; logWaitIndex = 0; console.log('\n-------\n')
const assertNameVersion1 = 'v1_ok'
versions.splice(0, 0, [assertNameVersion1, 'ok version', 'v1-sc.7z'])
processor = startRunner()
let listening = await waitUntilListening()
let checkListening = await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
assert.strictEqual(checkListening.body.version, 'v1')
while (!hasLogLine(/core is running/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
let db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, 1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].installed, true)
// Create our second version
await fs.writeFile(index, version_2_nolisten)
await util.runCommand(compressorPath, ['a', file('./v2-sc.7z'), index], util.getPathFromRoot('./testapp'))
const assertNameVersion2 = 'v2_nolisten'
versions.splice(0, 0, [assertNameVersion2, 'no listen version', 'v2-sc.7z'])
// wait a second for it to trigger an update
await setTimeout(500)
while (!hasLogLine(/Error starting v2_nolisten/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
while (!hasLogLine(/restart request.*v2_nolisten.*dirty/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
while (processor.exitCode == null) {
await catchupLog(10)
db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, -1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].installed, true)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].stable, 1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].installed, true)
// Since application was in dirty state, on next attempt should attempt to
// run v2 again and then falling back to v1
await waitUntilClosed()
processor = startRunner()
await catchupLog(10)
while (!hasLogLine(/Attempting to run version v2_nolisten/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
while (!hasLogLine(/Attempting to run version v1_ok/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
listening = await waitUntilListening()
checkListening = await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
assert.strictEqual(checkListening.body.version, 'v1')
while (!hasLogLine(/core is running/)) {
await setTimeout(10)
db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, -2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].stable, 1)
assert.ok(findInLogs(/Attempting to run version v2_nolisten/))
assert.ok(findInLogs(/Error starting v2_nolisten/))
await waitUntilClosed()
processor = startRunner()
listening = await waitUntilListening()
checkListening = await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
assert.strictEqual(checkListening.body.version, 'v1')
while (!hasLogLine(/core is running/)) {
await setTimeout(10)
db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, -2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].stable, 1)
assert.notOk(findInLogs(/Attempting to run version v2_nolisten/))
assert.notOk(findInLogs(/Error starting v2_nolisten/))
// Create our third version
await fs.writeFile(index, version_3_crashing)
await util.runCommand(compressorPath, ['a', file('./v3-sc.7z'), index], util.getPathFromRoot('./testapp'))
const assertNameVersion3 = 'v3_crash'
versions.splice(0, 0, [assertNameVersion3, 'crash version', 'v3-sc.7z'])
// wait a second for it to trigger an update
await setTimeout(500)
while (!hasLogLine(/Attempting to run version v3_crash/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
while (processor.exitCode == null) {
await catchupLog(10)
db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion3)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 3)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, -2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].stable, -2)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[2].stable, 1)
// Should recover afterwards
await waitUntilClosed()
processor = startRunner()
listening = await waitUntilListening()
checkListening = await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
assert.strictEqual(checkListening.body.version, 'v1')
while (!hasLogLine(/core is running/)) {
await setTimeout(10)
// Create our fourth version
await fs.writeFile(index, version_4_stable)
await util.runCommand(compressorPath, ['a', file('./v4-sc.7z'), index], util.getPathFromRoot('./testapp'))
const assertNameVersion4 = 'v4_stable'
versions.splice(0, 0, [assertNameVersion4, 'no listen version', 'v4-sc.7z'])
// wait a second for it to trigger an update
await setTimeout(500)
while (!hasLogLine(/Attempting to run version v4_stable/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
while (!hasLogLine(/Server is listening on 31313 serving v4/)) {
await catchupLog(10)
checkListening = await request({}, `http://localhost:${listening.port}/`)
assert.strictEqual(checkListening.body.version, 'v4')
await setTimeout(10)
db = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')))
assert.strictEqual(, assertNameVersion4)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions.length, 4)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[0].stable, 1)
assert.strictEqual(db.core.testapp.versions[1].stable, -2)